The Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research objective


Dr. Bassem I AL-Jabhan

Vice-Dean for Postgraduate  and Scientific Reasearch


First: The Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research objectives:

The Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research aims to be advanced and distinguished in the field of training and continuous development of its staff members of the faculty and students, to activate their scientific and research participation and to establish academic, professional and training relations with relevant companies and maritime agencies. As well as to establish high-end and unique graduate studies programs characterized by scientific depth and research and providing an environment that contributes to enriching human knowledge in all its branches to reach innovative scientific and applied additions through:

1. Continuous improvement, administratively and academically, of the performance of all parts of the graduate studies and scientific research system.

2.  Creating a work environment, learning and scientific research that stimulates students, faculty members, and workers in postgraduate studies and scientific research.

3. Enabling the relevant authorities to benefit from the outputs of graduate studies and scientific research in the faculty.

4. Achieving inclusiveness, complementarity and continuity of positive participation between the vice deanship and all concerned parties inside and outside the faculty.

5. Following the scientific methods of developing and formulating future strategies for the vice deanship's with the faculty's vision.

6. Establishing the foundations for evaluation of all components and elements of postgraduate studies and scientific research.




Last Update
12/7/2020 10:35:46 PM