Conferences and Seminars Unit

Dr. Muhammed H. Al-Shareef

Chairman of  Conferences and Seminars Unit


Seventh: Conferences and Seminars Unit:

The unit is responsible for identifying and providing programs to develop the cognitive and training skills of the college’s employees and to follow up on their implementation and evaluate the extent of benefit from these programs. Also, the unit organizes attending conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as organizing conferences and scientific meetings



Distinguished conferences and workshops in the programs and outputs



Organizing and supervising conferences, seminars and workshops and contributing to developing skills in specialized scientific and research fields to enriching scientific cooperation


Unit tasks

  • Supervising requests from faculty members to attend conferences and workshops, and developing and facilitating attendance procedures.
  • Establishing an electronic database on the participation of faculty members in conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Holding conferences, seminars and workshops, and making the necessary procedures in accordance with the regulations.
  • Preparing an annual calendar for all scientific meetings and workshops that will be offered by the faculty
  • Preparing a periodic report at the end of each semester and submitting it to the Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.




Last Update
12/7/2020 10:40:27 PM